how to comment out multiple lines in python
This entry is part 24 of 24 in the series Introduction to Python

How to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

SEO Meta Description: Learn how to comment out multiple lines in Python effectively and efficiently. This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions and insights to help you master the art of commenting in Python.


Python is a versatile and powerful programming language, known for its simplicity and readability. As you develop complex applications or scripts, you may find the need to add comments to your code for clarity and documentation purposes. Commenting allows you to explain the functionality of specific code segments, making it easier for you and other developers to understand the codebase.

In this article, we will delve into the techniques of commenting out multiple lines in Python. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coder looking to enhance your Python skills, this guide has got you covered.

How to Comment Out a Single Line in Python

Before we explore the methods to comment out multiple lines, let’s start with the basics of commenting a single line in Python. A single-line comment is a text that Python ignores when executing the code. To add a comment to a single line, simply use the hash symbol (#) followed by the comment text.


# This is a single-line comment
print("Hello, World!")  # This line prints a greeting

Techniques to Comment Out Multiple Lines in Python

Commenting out multiple lines in Python can be achieved using different methods. Each method has its own advantages and use cases. Let’s explore them one by one:

1. Using Multiple Hash Symbols

One simple way to comment out multiple lines is by placing hash symbols (#) at the beginning of each line you want to comment. This method is straightforward and commonly used for small blocks of code.


# This is a commented block
# print("This line is commented out")
# print("So is this line")

2. Using Triple Quotes

Triple quotes, either single or double, can also be employed to comment out multiple lines in Python. This method is especially useful when you have large blocks of code that need to be commented.


print("This line is commented out")
print("So is this line")

3. Using a Logical Operator (Not Recommended)

While it’s not a recommended approach, you can comment out multiple lines using logical operators, like the “not” operator, in a way that Python won’t execute those lines.


if not True:
    print("This line is commented out")
    print("So is this line")

4. Using an IDE or Code Editor Shortcut

Most modern Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors provide shortcuts to comment out multiple lines at once. For instance, in Visual Studio Code, you can select the lines and press “Ctrl + /” (or “Cmd + /” on macOS) to comment them all out instantly.

5. Using the “if False” Technique

A popular Python idiom for commenting out code is using the “if False” technique. By wrapping the code in an “if False” block, Python treats it as an unreachable statement, effectively commenting it out.


if False:
    print("This line is commented out")
    print("So is this line")

Pros and Cons of Different Commenting Methods

Each method discussed above has its own advantages and drawbacks. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons:

Hash SymbolsSimple and easy to understandCan be cumbersome for large blocks of code
Triple QuotesUseful for large code blocksMay cause indentation issues and look less clean
Logical OperatorUnconventional approachCode may become confusing and harder to maintain
IDE ShortcutQuick and efficientRequires an IDE or code editor with the necessary feature
“if False” TechniqueReadable and PythonicNot recommended for large blocks due to runtime inefficiency


1. How do I uncomment lines in Python?
To uncomment lines in Python, simply remove the comment symbol (#) from the beginning of the line or block of code.

2. Can I use triple quotes for single-line comments?
Yes, you can use triple quotes for single-line comments, but it is not the most common practice. The hash symbol (#) is usually preferred for single-line comments.

3. How do I comment out multiple lines in Python without using any symbol?
It is not possible to comment out multiple lines in Python without using any symbol. Comments are essential for code readability and should not be omitted.

4. Why is commenting important in Python?
Commenting is crucial in Python for code documentation and understanding. It helps other developers (and yourself) to grasp the code’s functionality and intent.

5. What is the purpose of the “if False” technique for commenting out code?
The “if False” technique is a Pythonic way to comment out code without using hash symbols or triple quotes. However, it should be used with caution, mainly for single-line comments.

6. How can I remove multiple comments quickly in Visual Studio Code?
To quickly remove multiple comments in Visual Studio Code, select the commented lines and press “Ctrl + /” (or “Cmd + /” on

macOS). This will uncomment the selected lines.


Commenting out multiple lines in Python is an essential skill that contributes to writing clean and maintainable code. In this article, we explored various techniques for commenting out multiple lines, from using hash symbols and triple quotes to more unconventional methods like the “if False” technique. Each method has its own use cases and considerations.

As you become proficient in Python, mastering commenting techniques will streamline your coding process and enhance collaboration with other developers. Remember to choose the appropriate commenting method based on the context and size of the code block.

Next time you encounter the need to comment out multiple lines in Python, you’ll be well-equipped to do so with confidence and efficiency.



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